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Lea Stublarec is Announcing The Release Of


Book One: The Perfect Storm

"The Perfect Storm provides a great roadmap for mothers raising gifted daughters"

—Paula Wilkes, PhD.

Welcome to Gifted Daughters

My name is Lea, and I've worked with famlies for over 50 years as a social worker, parent coach, and researcher. But my most rewarding and challenging job was raising my two neurodivergent adult daughters.

As a mother of a highly gifted daughter and a twice-exceptional daughter, I felt like I was basically 'flying blind' trying to meet their special educational, social and emotional needs. Parenting bright girls in a patriarchial, anti-intellectual society is extremely challenging but can also be incredibly fulfilling. I invite you to learn more about me. I hope you find my book as well as the resources that I share on my blog helpful and empowering on your unique journey of raising your gifted daughters! 

In the anti-intellectual culture of a patriarchal country, women—and especially mothers—are often viewed as “less than,” treated like second-class citizens, and the role of nurturing offspring is devalued, both in terms of status and monetary rewards.
For gifted mothers, learning to love yourself and ensuring that both you and your gifted daughter thrive is a huge accomplishment. In fact, it’s a miracle.



Paula Wilkes, PhD., Coach and Consultant, Summit Center

The Perfect Storm provides a great roadmap for mothers raising gifted daughters…Although the mothers in her study each had unique journeys, there were also common themes to their mothering paths. Lea's book provides stories that are important for young mothers to hear as they embark on their own hero's journey of mothering a gifted daughter—a journey of uncertainty and hope.” 

Mother of 3 gifted school-aged gifted daughters

“Lea is a wonderful coach. I was nervous when we first spoke, but she put me at ease. I felt completely lost with regard to the next steps of my relationship with my daughter, and she helped me see we were doing okay. Her kindness and honesty made me feel safe, and that allowed me to look at some really tough issues in a new light. I miss her terribly, but I’ll always have her with me. The voice in my head that comforts me when I’m scared about my parenting decisions sounds an awful lot like her.” 

Mother of two elementary school age children
Menlo Park,CA

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking me on as a coaching client. You helped me do some soul searching to decide who I wanted to be as a person as well as a parent. You guided me along through many rough spots and always were a sympathetic ear when I described my many problems and issues. I believe you truly have a are a great listener and offer very sound, constructive advice” 

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